Pay Dues
A $40 voluntary membership payment is due beginning in May of the current year and collected year-round.
Dues are used for neighborhood events and activities, self-insurance and electricity for the entry signs, and other neighborhood maintenance needs.
Facts about dues:
1 home = cost of 2 months of electricity for front signs
8 homes = cost of 1 event
13 homes = cost of Luminaries
20 homes = cost of yearly board insurance
25 homes = cost of yearly reserve for front sign replacement
If more homes pay dues each year, we will be able to add more community events and even start to look at neighborhood beautification opportunities!
How to Pay
Cash or Check (Preferred)
Send $40 check or cash to Cherry Hill West HOA - 1033 Bridgeport Drive
Online Payments
We now accept online payments for your convenience! We charge a processing fee to cover the transaction cost. Please select an Additional Donation Amount to proceed (it can be $0).